Monday, November 9, 2009

The Decemberists II

It's true that I have posted a The Decemberists song here in the past (the whole "a The" thing is bad news, but the bands name is clear). Some time last week, one of the kids came home singing The Crane Wife 3 (yes, it was probably you, bdo) and the song has been stuck in my head since then. I hope that by putting it out here in the blog, it will leave my head and enter yours. The video is one of those home made photo montage things made by some poor haunted soul. An excellent, if simple song, with a most excellent bass line.

p.s. Talking of homemade The Decemberists videos, check out this school video project of Eli, the barrow boy.
p.p.s I was just about to quit my youtube window when I spotted this. It's Marianne Faithful, and Nick Cave doing a cover of The Crane Wife. Wawawaaweewa.

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