Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let's Go Walkies.

So now that I have finished my "Identifying Archaeological Evidence" course, it is time to get back in shape. I've been hopeless, eating my body weight each day, and sitting like a squint in front of my screen from day to night. So now I'm officially on diet. And I started walking again this morning. I was up before the birds for some reason, and left home at around 4:45am. It was pitch dark and a little chilly. The walk was fantastic. Along the way I passed no less than four old ladies, all in their gowns and slippers and all with little yappie dogs. One old biddy near the house in Raanana, three spread across the residential area of Herzliya. They each one scowled at me and gripped their little dogs a bit tighter - I obviously looked menacing pacing along in my all black. Finally I'm being taken seriously. It's good to know I'm not the only one who is up at that hour. The old ladies and me.

1 comment:

mart said...

And me 3 times a week.